Monday 2 July 2012

Stephen Hawking: The Meaning of Life

Posted to Facebook July 2
I so appreciate all the different examples of LOP.  Recently my husband and I watched a show on Discovery Channel called "Stephen Hawking's Grand Design".  Here are some of the things he said that felt very LOP for me.

"Hello my name is Stephen Hawking; physicist, cosmologist, and something of a dreamer.  Although I cannot move, and have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free."

In an analogy where he is comparing the perspective of a little girl with her fish in a fish bowl, he says, "I don't think that one reality is more valid than another.  And that means that reality itself is in the mind of the beholder."

"Perhaps there is no real reality out there at all."

"It may seem crazy to doubt that our concept of reality is true.  But I think to find the meaning of life we must answer the question is there an independent reality or not?"

"Meaning itself is simply another piece of the model of reality that we each build inside our own brain."

"In short, the brain is responsible for not only the reality we perceive, but for our emotions and meaning too."

"Love and honour, right and wrong are part of the universe we create in our minds."

"It is pretty remarkable to think our brains . . . have this wonderful ability to not only perceive reality but to give it meaning too."

"The meaning of life is what you choose it to be."

"The meaning of life is not somehwere out there, but right between our ears."

"In many ways this makes us the lords of creation."

LOP is believing my life naturally fills up with whatever I choose is real.