Posted to Facebook Nov. 12th.
Back in August I shared that I was reading "The Untethered Soul". This book ended up in my hands at a time when I realized I was ready to move beyond any essence of 'protection' I still had going on in my life. Meaning, I was wanting to move beyond making any decisions and taking any action from a place of fear or worry, or trying to protect myself from what might happen, or trying to ignore something that I was unconsciously dreading or fearful about. All of those essences only keep me small and do not allow me to continue on the journey of LOP and realizing who I really am (WIRA). And besides, they feel yucky.
The concept that stood out for me in Michael Singer's book was the idea of choosing to remain open instead of closing, no matter what was going on. This means I choose love . . . appreciation . . . trust . . . moving forward because that is WIRA. Michael explained that we stay open simply by making the choice to keep our hearts open. I find this is so powerful because even though our reaction of closing our hearts to protect ourselves seems to be the common sense, knee jerk reaction, it is the closing of our hearts that creates the pain/discomfort in our lives.
The snow comes and the driving is different -- I choose to stay open.
I make an appointment with someone and they are two hours late -- I choose to stay open.
My dad goes into the hospital -- I choose to stay open.
There are unexpected repair bills -- I choose to stay open.
I am not sure how some things are going to work out -- I choose to stay open.
There are government systems in place that are choosing things for our family we don't think we would choose -- I choose to stay open.
There are things I am being asked that I do not immediately have answers for -- I choose to stay open.
My dad is being moved to a nursing home -- I choose to stay open.
My mom wishes my dad was coming home -- I choose to stay open.
My relationship with my dad is changing -- I choose to stay open.
There are financial decisions that are coming in the not so distant future on which we are still looking for clarity -- I choose to stay open.
Not everyone sees things the way I do -- I choose to stay open.
I make plans for my day and then other things come along and become a priority -- I choose to stay open.
People do things differently than how I had asked them to -- I choose to stay open.
I do not complete all the things I think I should be -- I choose to stay open.
I am not staying open in some moments as well as I would like to -- I choose to stay open.
I choose to stay open because that is WIRA and my outside experiences do not dictate my inside experiences -- I create my experiences by LOP.