Friday 25 January 2013

Horse Then Cart

There is the saying, "you are getting the cart before the horse," meaning we are doing things backwards.  We may get the cart before the horse because we think what we really want is in that cart, but we forget that the horse is the driving force, the fuel, the real focus, and what is in the cart naturally arrives because of the driving force of the horse.  When we put the cart before the horse we have no driving force and it ends up being very hard work getting anywhere.

So, it's not money that is suppose to be the horse (driving force), that's what is in the cart and will naturally come with the horse.  The horse is us being passionate about and enjoying what we are doing.
The weight loss is the cart; feeling healthy and energetic are the horse.
The 'perfect' mate is the cart; the ability to love and appreciate are the horse.
The university degree is the cart; the learning is the horse.
Success is the cart; having fun is the horse.
Convincing others of something is the cart; knowing what I believe is the horse.
Taking care of others is the cart; taking care of myself is the horse.
The all inclusive vacation is the cart; the ability to breathe, relax, and let go are the horse.
Having people over for dinner is the cart; having open and genuine relationships is the horse.
The winning of the medal is the cart; the knowing I can do it is the horse.
Our laws and rules are the cart; understanding each other is the horse.
The 'fame' is the cart; the being who I really am is the horse.

LOP is putting the horse before the cart.

Monday 21 January 2013

LOP Is Not a Competition

Posted to Facebook Feb. 1st.
As we get on the path of LOP, and are interacting with others, we may find there is the tendency to want to prove to others we are LOP by sharing our exciting stories of 'getting it', or of desires manifesting.  When I catch myself doing that I know I am caught up in an old habit/belief of wanting to prove or justify myself, my worthiness, my choices in life. 

Contrary to that, the times I really feel like I am LOP, I don't seem to need to share or convince anyone of anything because it is so genuine, and complete, in and of itself.

When in groups of people who are practicing LOP, and the justification habit pops up, it can start to look/feel like a competition of who is LOP better.  When I find myself caught up in such a conversation it is a good reminder that I have gotten off track.  At that point I try and remember WIRA by letting go and just listening, really focusing on what the others are saying, and just appreciating the moment.

LOP is practicing LOP even when I am sharing my experience of LOP.

Henry David Thoreau

"Our life is frittered away by detail.  Simplicity!  Simplicity!  Simplicity!"
-- Henry David Thoreau