Well, that's it for now. There are many more questions and concepts I have pondered over the years that I have included in each of the three parts of the LOP Journal, but that is it in a nutshell. I have had so much fun finding the words to share these summaries with you. I realize that for some, in some parts, it may have created more questions than answers and that's O.K. -- me too. Actually that is perfect. Life is not about arriving somewhere and then never budging from it. It is a continual expansion of more. More questions, more answers, more questions, more answers, more questions, . . .
These three parts describe what I have found works for me in this journey of life. Continually clarifying what I prefer/what is most important to me/who I really am. Continually updating my beliefs so that I am up to speed with WIRA. And, continually following my inspirations from the upward spiral. It doesn't mean I don't end up on the downward spiral at times -- that's just more good guidance and clarity. All of this is called life, but it is a life on purpose, not one by accident.
With that said, even more important than these posts outlining some concepts of what LOP is for me, they are a sharing for anyone who may have ever felt that there must be more to life than mediocrity. I just wanted to let you know that there is a cheerleader out here saying, "YES! YES! YES! Life beyond mediocrity is real."
I sincerely wish you lots of living, loving, and laughing along the way as you remember, believe in and express WYRA. And I look forward to the natural, beneficial consequences we will all experience as you share the brilliance of your genius self.