Thursday 20 December 2012

Letting Myself Like What I Like

Posted to Facebook January 10th.
I love when I realize I really like something.  That's when I like something because I realllllly like it, and not because it is the latest trend, the most 'beautiful', the most expensive, or what my neighbour has.  I think sometimes it can be challenging to know what we really like because there are influencing factors around us each day trying to tell us what we should like. 

When I reallllly like something it is because
. . . it is reflecting back to me who I know I really am. 
. . . as I ponder it I see how it fulfils so many of my past desires or whims all in one fell swoop. 
. . . it fits me perfectly, or fits in my home better than I could have ever imagined, or I find it is more useful than I originally thought it would be. 
. . . the longer I own it the more I like it -- I love it.
. . . every time I look at it my heart fills with appreciation.
. . . even though it goes against the norm or being socially acceptable, when I let myself be it, or do it, I just know it is who I really am (WIRA).
. . . it leads me down roads I would not have gone by just following the crowd.
. . . I learn more and more about WIRA.
. . . I know my genius self is expressing itself.
. . . that energy flow fills me with delight and enthusiasm.

LOP is letting myself like what I like.

Seeing or Looking?

It's not what I see through my eyes that matters, but the eyes I look with.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

My 'Life' Coach

Posted to Facebook December 29th
I heard a story during the 2012 Summer Olympic Games that swimmer Michael Phelps' coach, a person coaching at a world class level, used to deliberately make things go wrong during Michael's swim meets to help him practice overcoming less than perfect competing conditions; to train him to focus.  I believe it was said that he had done things like break his swim goggles and make him late.  Michael's coach knew that being the best was not about competing in ideal conditions, having everything perfect, controlling all details so that Michael could easily compete. 

I realize we all have a world class coach that helps us practice focusing and rising above those things we could call obstacles . . . it's called life.  In all the biographies I have read and watched about those who we acknowledge as rising above obstacles, they tell a story of a person possessing the ability to focus on who they really are and what they really want, instead of getting caught up in the undertow of resisting and blaming what they don't want.

LOP is trusting that my 'life' coach is doing nothing less than helping me to succeed.