Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Appreciation and finding fault -- The views from the spectrum

In LOP I say that I can see something from the upward spiral or the downward spiral -- every subject is on an spectrum.    Every subject, person, situation can be seen from different places on the spectrum depending on my habit about that topic.  (Habits include my mood, my experience with the topic, what has happened immediately proceeding my focus on the topic, what my parents thought about that topic, what I have been taught about that topic, etc.)  And even if I am looking at the exact same thing the view I have from the upward spiral is completely different from the one on the downward spiral.

When I am perceiving something from the upward spiral I have access to the perspectives of appreciation regarding it, and when I am perceiving it from the downward spiral I am likely finding fault with it or complaining about it.  The benefit of this perspective regarding perspectives is it gives us choices, empowerment, freedom about whatever it is we are focusing on in the moment.

So, when you catch yourself appreciating something you know where you are, and vice versa if you catch yourself finding fault you know where you are.  The great thing is that most of these perceptions are non-updated habits, and it is relatively easy to do something about them when I allow myself to acknowledge that I am just operating from habit.

Creating a new habit can be as simple as being less judgmental about where you find yourself.  It can be celebrating and laughing about and being thankful that you have stumbled on a habit that you are ready to change.  It can be about acknowledging that nothing wrong is going on, that it is possible to appreciate this moment of resistance for the awareness it has provided.  This is not about fake appreciation, this is about honest to goodness heart warming appreciation.   It is about appreciating the perfection of our guidance system that is always, always, always keeping us on track.  Without our downward spiral moments we would not expand and grow and have adventures and see things in new ways and continue to feel alive and invent new things.

Now, here is a funny part.  Some of our habits can be very subtle and sneaky.  As you read this watch to see if you default to the habit of finding fault with yourself because you have caught yourself on the downward spiral, or finding fault with me because this idea is so crazy.  LOL!  Either way, LOP is about using my time on the downward spiral to create clarity that keeps me on track to spend more time on the upward spiral where my answers and joy and creations come from.  

You may be right, you have caught yourself on the downward spiral and you are facing the fact you are not perfect, but you still have the choice to appreciate yourself instead of judging and finding fault.  You may decide that this idea is too off the wall for you to join in on, but that still is no reason to drag yourself onto the downward spiral about how wrong it is.  My hope is to encourage you to practice appreciation versus finding fault because the habitual perceptions that you use to look at the world are the same ones you use to look at yourself -- and you deserve appreciation.  You are a beautiful, unique expression in this world and finding the upward spiral is your path to all of it.

I know, some are going to be tempted to bring up the worst, most horrible situations in our world in order to be right that it is impossible to be on the upward spiral in many situations, but I would say start on the easier habits, and just be aware how tempting it can be to find fault in order to protect our old habits.  And trust that the answers to those "horrible" things will come from you on the upward spiral not the downward.

LOP is appreciating . . . because that is WWRA.