Monday 10 September 2012

Not Up For Debate

Posted to Facebook September 11th
It can be challenging for us to be willing to try new things, make changes in our lives, admit to things not going as we thought they should, share our inner truths, or be honest about how we really feel.  We can, without even knowing it, create our own little prison.  We lock ourselves inside these cells to be safe, but what price might we be paying?

Maybe we sometimes choose to lock ourselves in the walls of this safety because we have believed that our worthiness comes from being right, doing things correctly, being 'successful', not making mistakes, saying the right things, pleasing others, and being on top of everything at all times?  And maybe we think that if we play small we may actually have a fighting chance to be all of that, and therefore justify our worth?  Even if we could be all of that, all that it achieves at best, is being smaller than who we really are.

But what if I just swung that cell door wide open?  What if I believed my worthiness was not up for debate?  What if I believed it was innate, absolute, unshakable, infinite, God-given, and irrevocable by anyone or anything?  Would it then be okay to make mistakes, to be wrong, to try new things, to laugh at myself, and be open and honest?  Would I feel a little freer to be who I really am?

When I am LOP my worth just is.