Posted to Facebook March 7th
In chapter three Michael is asking us who we are, and he points out that the labels we usually use to refer to ourselves are not very accurate. So, over the numerous times I have read this chapter I have taken a stab at trying to answer that question without using the labels of names and roles. Here are some of my attempts.
The first time I read this chapter I wrote, "I am the unique expression of Source as me." As many of you may have noticed I took the easy route on this one and stole it from the Abraham-Hicks materials.
The second time I read this chapter I answered with, "I am the awareness and the experiencer." This one was primarily pulled from the concepts that Michael shares with us -- still not very creative.
The third time I read this chapter I had a number of attempts at fine tuning my answer and I ended up with, "I am an energy, a knowing, that well-being abounds, with a desire to play out that knowing, to experience it, to practice it, in this perception we call physical." Getting better, but still not done.
I also went through the "joy, love" one word answers, however, I knew there was more to it for me than that.
What is the answer that you have, for today, to the question, "Who are you?"