Friday, 25 November 2011

I Can't Decide, if I Am Not WIRA

Last night my bank processed some transactions incorrectly.  The person that I got when I phoned for assistance was giving me answers that were not only not helpful, but after asking her to explain it three times to me, the explanation that it was another bank's fault made no sense. 

I got off the phone frustrated (that is saying it nicely).  I was frustrated because the situation was not rectified, and I had really expected that they would agree it was their mistake -- it seemed obvious to me.  But perhaps most importantly, I was frustrated because I didn't understand the answer I was being given, and now I was confused and doubting myself.

Frustration, anger, confusion, lack of confidence, guilt can be deafening when trying to hear who you really are and what feels like the most inspired action.  From a confused and doubting place I couldn't decide if I wanted to phone the bank back and keep pushing for an answer that made sense, or cool off, calmly follow the advice of my bank, and call the other bank in the morning.  Of course I couldn't hear my answer, I was confused and doubting!  One action felt like pushing and controlling, the other felt like I was a door mat.  Neither of those are LOP.

My lucky husband walked in right at the end of that call.  I explained to him what had happened, and him agreeing with my interpretation of the circumstances built my confidence -- I was not stupid or missing something.  That felt better.  From that little bit better feeling place I then remembered the chapter, "Someone Will Say Yes," in the Relax Into Wealth, Alan Cohen book.  He shares an example where he kept calling and calling until he got the answer he wanted.  That idea felt even better.  I had elevated myself to a place where I now had a clearer question to ask.

With the assistance of my husband and Alan I regained confidence and clarity.  From that new place I could then begin to feel what was most in alignment in that moment.  I picked up the phone, I got someone different, all is well.

It was not a about trying to decide which action was the right action, it was about taking action from a place of confidence and clarity, who I really am.

We Share Uniqueness

I spent an hour watching a talk from a well known speaker on healing from the soul instead of the ego.  Basically, I would agree with everything she is saying, however, I certainly would say it differently.  We all would.  There in lies the value of each of us. 

We can all be doing the same thing from our own voice and it will be a unique expression.  Only you can do you and only I can do me.  And isn’t it interesting to see how someone else is doing the same thing differently?  Well, sometimes we may think not.  Sometimes we really want others to do it just exactly the way we would do it.  Sometimes we want others to be exactly the same as us.  But do we really?

Imagine if all ice cream was vanilla, if all T.V. shows were "The Price is Right", if there was only one painting, one song, one kind of tree, or one kind of animal.  We may not readily admit it, but we love the differences, we thrive on differences.  And some of the most beautiful differences, that we are discovering, are the ones between you and me, as we express the uniqueness of who we really are.

Getting Into First Class

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 25th
Jerry Hicks taught us that, "You can't buy your way into first class."  Meaning, you can purchase the ticket, but that does not guarantee a first class experience.  I could get to my first class seat and find the host is having a really bad day, or my TV screen could be malfunctioning, or I could end up sick that day, or "there could be a mother changing a smelly diaper behind me."  The only way for me to have a first class experience is for me to show up already in the essence of first class.  That means to trust it, to know I deserve being there, to appreciate it, to have fun with it, without guilt for others who are not there, or the money I may have spent to get me there.

With that said, if it is true that you can't buy your way into first class, I then believe the opposite must also be true -- 'you don't have to buy your way into first class.'  We have probably all heard about someone who got upgraded to first class due to a lack of economy seats, you may even be one who has experienced it.  You didn't have to ask for it, or be special, or deserve it, or pay extra for it, it just happened -- some may feel like it was a miracle!  But perhaps an even bigger miracle might be when I allow myself to have a first class experience in economy. 

What if one day I get up from an economy flight and say to myself, "I don't know what it was about that flight, but that was fabulous.  I loved the people and the food and the scenery.  And I am so excited to be on my way to where I am going.  And everything went so smoothly, I just can't ever remember enjoying a flight that much -- I feel like I was flying in first class!"  And that would be because you were.

So perhaps an even more accurate statement would be, I can buy my way into a physical reality first class seat, but I can LOP my way into a first class experience anywhere.

Dedicated to Jerry Hicks, who is flying first class.  Thanks for everything and I'm looking forward to all that is to come.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Let's Be Like Our Pets

It is not often I talk about the physical aspects of LOP, not because its role in balancing ourselves is unimportant, but because there is already a wealth of information and support for people to access regarding exercise, nutrition, health, and the variety of modalities that work with the physical self. 

My focus has always been drawn to the less talked about areas of balancing the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of me, since those were the areas that I felt I lacked assistance with as I fumbled through my experience with depression.

With that said, today I am inspired to salute the joy of stretching our physical bodies.  I have a fairly lengthy stretching routine that I do when I am working out, and that may or may not be what interests others.  But perhaps, even more simply, I am referring to what we see our pets do. 

How often after our dog or cat has been sleeping or laying still for a period of time does s/he take a moment, as they rise, to S-T-R-E-T-C-H before they continue to move forth with what is next.  Not something they were taught, or trained to do, not something they feel they 'have to' do.  They just naturally take the few seconds to bask in the deliciousness of moving the physical body, to activate the muscles, to get the blood moving, and gently and gracefully move into whatever is next.

So quick.  So simple.  So invigorating.  So balancing.  So natural.  So LOPish.  So -- let's be like our pets.

Einstein Quote

There are many great quotes attributed to Einstein, for whom I have always had a shine.  One that I came across, that is perhaps less common says, “If at first the idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it.”  Once again, as mentioned in other posts, there seems to be the encouragement for us to not be 'normal' -- a repeating theme in remembering, believing in, and expressing who we really are. 

Because I can be so mesmerized, enmeshed , and involved with acceptable mediocrity, that the ideas/thoughts/perceptions that are who I really am can seem absurd at the first, second, or tenth glance.  So, if you are getting ideas that appear pretty mainstream, maybe you have just picked them up along the way from others and not from You.  Allow yourself the absurdity of who you really are.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Borg Were Right

The mantra of the Borg is, (if you are curious about this species, research 'Star Trek: The Next Generation') "Resistance is Futile."  Their implication is different from mine, however, I still love the saying.

I caught myself the other day trying to be right about resistance.  Someone was sharing something with me that they were resisting, and then in my own resistance I tried to correct them about their resistance.  Of course they could feel my resistance about their resistance and they resisted that.  Well, I could keep going, but you know how it unfolds.

It reminded me of the Biblical quote (I am changing the words a bit to suit my desires), "He who is without (judgement) cast the first stone."  Of course, if I were to be without judgement, and then make the choice to cast a stone, I have just judged and I can no longer say I am without judgement and cast the stone.  However, if I am no longer in judgement then I am able to cast a stone, however, then I would be back judging again and not able to cast the stone.  There is just no possible way to point the finger and be LOP.  If I really want to be LOP, resistance is futile.

It might be exactly what is happening with the Occupy parks -- but oh, there I have done it again.   : )

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

What If . . . ?

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 23rd
What if there was nothing left to struggle and suffer over?  What if the things I have resisted and hid from and pushed against just disappeared?  What if the heaviness that I have carried through my days was lifted?  What if those worries that hide in the back of my mind as an ongoing running subroutine, that I am not conscious of but that keep me from relaxing, what if those anchors were cut away?  What if I were completely freed to admit what it is I am wanting without the judgments of others?  What if I allowed myself the luxury to do the fun thing first instead of the chore?  What if I allowed myself to take in a deep breath of freedom, and exhale the weight of resistance?  What if I allowed myself to love without worry, play without penalties, embrace abundance without limitations?  What if the chains I carried were only my own?  What if the freedom I desired was already within, awaiting my arrival?  What if the struggle and suffering were an old habit ready to be shed, then what?  I would have remembered who I really am.

Live, Love, Laugh

Live, Love, Laugh!
Live Confidently, Love Big, Laugh Loud
Live Now, Love Freely, Laugh Long
Live simply, love unconditionally, laugh genuinely
Live like there is no tomorrow, love like there is no tomorrow, laugh like there is no tomorrow.
Live for now, love who is in front of you, laugh instead of cry.
Live like a child, love like a puppy, laugh like a clown
Live in this world not of it, love from your heart not your mind, laugh from your belly not your throat.
Live like the Italians, love like the French, laugh like the Canadians.
Live for today, love for you, laugh for the world
Live with intrigue, love with trust, laugh without a care
Live through the senses, love through the soul, laugh with the Universe
Live today, love tomorrow, laugh at yesterday
Live like Walt Disney, love like Don Juan, laugh like Goldie Hawn.
Live who you really are, love who you really are, laugh at who you really are.
Hands, Heart, Smile
Live, Love, Laugh!

Not the What, But the How

When I am feeling half a bubble off, not very connected with who I really am, it can be a good idea to turn to activities that have helped me connect in the past -- listening to uplifting audios, watching a good movie, go browsing at the local book store, have a cup of coffee, write in my journal, talk with someone, go for a walk or do some yoga.

However, sometimes when I go looking to past activities to take care of this moment, I end up not being very present in this moment.  I think that is why what has worked in the past does not work every time.  It is a constant reminder that my connection is not about the what, but about the how. 

My guidance is always now.  If I plow ahead looking to figure out and fix what is not feeling good, the essence of me in that moment is, "Something is wrong.  How it was before was better.  I don't know what else to do but to resort to what has worked before.  I am going to do this that has worked before until I feel better, whether it feels good right now or not."  That is not the essence of me LOP. 

Instead I probably want to be finding the essence that feels like, "I am in a new place here today.  I am O.K. with being here.  There is probably something I am ready to hear, feel, know.  I may end up doing things I have done in the past to feel better, and I might be on the verge of discovering something new.  I am open to the well-being that is who I really am.  I am open to whatever feels like the next best step.  Being quiet and listening is the best feeling next step in this moment and that is enough for me."

Monday, 21 November 2011

Perfection is Not perfect

I jokingly said to a friend, who was jokingly bragging he had never been in the ditch because of snowy, slippery road conditions, "If you've never been in the ditch you are not going fast enough."  There is also a saying that implies if you are not making mistakes in life you are not challenging yourself enough, (or something like that, if someone knows this quote please share).  The intention of my comment was, sometimes we are so determined not to make a mistake, or we are wanting to perform in such a perfect manner, that we end up holding ourselves back to a degree of life that we believe we can guarantee success all the time. 

I sometimes use the word perfect to imply doing something 100%, or without flaws.  And then I sometimes use the word Perfect to imply that the natural unfolding and consequences of every action and incident are Perfect because we are always on the journey of deciding what we don't want, so that we can then better choose what we do want, and be all of who we really are.  The Perfection of life is not in doing life perfectly -- that would lead us to no new decisions or clarity. The Perfection of life is allowing myself not to need to do everything perfectly.  It is to allow those instances of inspiration, to try something new, to stretch and challenge myself, and find that edge where I do make mistakes so I have the opportunity to grow into more.

So no, I was not suggestion that we should all drive recklessly in slippery road conditions and push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.  But, I was suggestion that we not ride the brake of life and hold ourselves back in fear of the 'ditches', because in those 'ditches' lies the Perfection we came to discover.

Behind It All is LOP

Posted on FaceBook Nov. 24th
Behind every cloudy day the sun is shining.
Behind every question there is an answer.
Behind every answer is a new question.
Behind every illness there is wellness.
Behind every painting, building, song, there was a vision.
Behind every cut there is healing.
Behind every argument there is forgiveness.
Behind every judgment there is clarity.
Behind every mistake there is a new decision.
Behind every winter there is a spring.
Behind every tree there is a seed.
Behind every seed there is a tree.
Behind every ‘crime’ there is the request for relief.
Behind every laugh is a tickle.
Behind every appreciation there is faith.
Behind every desire is its reality.
Behind every war there is peace.
Behind every insult there is a wanting to feel worthy.
Behind every learning there is expansion.
Behind every thought there is the thinker.
Behind every night there is a day.
Behind every no there is a new yes.
Behind every yes there is an opening.
Behind every resistance there is a ‘constipation’ of energy, behind every constipation there is pain, behind every pain there is a new decision, behind every new decision is who we really are.

The Mediocrity of Physical Reality

Posted to Facebook Nov. 21st.
A couple of years ago, while on my first cruise, I experienced the poignant, and in some ways disappointing concept that, by itself, physical 'reality' would never be enough.  I was spending my days in the best activities of workshops, whale watching, sun basking, exploring, being with like minded people, enjoying the decadence of beautiful four course meals -- every whim being attended to.  It was all great, and yet I was not feeling as fulfilled as some of my moments at home.  How could that be?

Well, I had been sloppy about my connection with who I really am.  I had unconsciously presumed that since I had paid for this environment that boasts taking care of everything for you, that I would automatically feel the joy and connection of LOP.  I was experiencing, in a vivid way, how living life from the outside in (wanting my outsides to make me happy) would never be enough.  

Without remembering who I really am, before I do anything, I will not enjoy it fully.  Without seeing through my eyes of appreciation, listening to who someone really is, speaking the words of who I really am I, and being fully present in each moment, I will continously feel like something is missing. 

There are so many fabulous things to enjoy in our physical reality world, whether I am cruising or in my daily routine, and I want to enjoy it all by bringing all of me to each and every 'party'.