Tuesday 22 November 2011

Live, Love, Laugh

Live, Love, Laugh!
Live Confidently, Love Big, Laugh Loud
Live Now, Love Freely, Laugh Long
Live simply, love unconditionally, laugh genuinely
Live like there is no tomorrow, love like there is no tomorrow, laugh like there is no tomorrow.
Live for now, love who is in front of you, laugh instead of cry.
Live like a child, love like a puppy, laugh like a clown
Live in this world not of it, love from your heart not your mind, laugh from your belly not your throat.
Live like the Italians, love like the French, laugh like the Canadians.
Live for today, love for you, laugh for the world
Live with intrigue, love with trust, laugh without a care
Live through the senses, love through the soul, laugh with the Universe
Live today, love tomorrow, laugh at yesterday
Live like Walt Disney, love like Don Juan, laugh like Goldie Hawn.
Live who you really are, love who you really are, laugh at who you really are.
Hands, Heart, Smile
Live, Love, Laugh!

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