Friday 25 November 2011

We Share Uniqueness

I spent an hour watching a talk from a well known speaker on healing from the soul instead of the ego.  Basically, I would agree with everything she is saying, however, I certainly would say it differently.  We all would.  There in lies the value of each of us. 

We can all be doing the same thing from our own voice and it will be a unique expression.  Only you can do you and only I can do me.  And isn’t it interesting to see how someone else is doing the same thing differently?  Well, sometimes we may think not.  Sometimes we really want others to do it just exactly the way we would do it.  Sometimes we want others to be exactly the same as us.  But do we really?

Imagine if all ice cream was vanilla, if all T.V. shows were "The Price is Right", if there was only one painting, one song, one kind of tree, or one kind of animal.  We may not readily admit it, but we love the differences, we thrive on differences.  And some of the most beautiful differences, that we are discovering, are the ones between you and me, as we express the uniqueness of who we really are.

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