Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Not the What, But the How

When I am feeling half a bubble off, not very connected with who I really am, it can be a good idea to turn to activities that have helped me connect in the past -- listening to uplifting audios, watching a good movie, go browsing at the local book store, have a cup of coffee, write in my journal, talk with someone, go for a walk or do some yoga.

However, sometimes when I go looking to past activities to take care of this moment, I end up not being very present in this moment.  I think that is why what has worked in the past does not work every time.  It is a constant reminder that my connection is not about the what, but about the how. 

My guidance is always now.  If I plow ahead looking to figure out and fix what is not feeling good, the essence of me in that moment is, "Something is wrong.  How it was before was better.  I don't know what else to do but to resort to what has worked before.  I am going to do this that has worked before until I feel better, whether it feels good right now or not."  That is not the essence of me LOP. 

Instead I probably want to be finding the essence that feels like, "I am in a new place here today.  I am O.K. with being here.  There is probably something I am ready to hear, feel, know.  I may end up doing things I have done in the past to feel better, and I might be on the verge of discovering something new.  I am open to the well-being that is who I really am.  I am open to whatever feels like the next best step.  Being quiet and listening is the best feeling next step in this moment and that is enough for me."

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