Friday, 25 November 2011

Getting Into First Class

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 25th
Jerry Hicks taught us that, "You can't buy your way into first class."  Meaning, you can purchase the ticket, but that does not guarantee a first class experience.  I could get to my first class seat and find the host is having a really bad day, or my TV screen could be malfunctioning, or I could end up sick that day, or "there could be a mother changing a smelly diaper behind me."  The only way for me to have a first class experience is for me to show up already in the essence of first class.  That means to trust it, to know I deserve being there, to appreciate it, to have fun with it, without guilt for others who are not there, or the money I may have spent to get me there.

With that said, if it is true that you can't buy your way into first class, I then believe the opposite must also be true -- 'you don't have to buy your way into first class.'  We have probably all heard about someone who got upgraded to first class due to a lack of economy seats, you may even be one who has experienced it.  You didn't have to ask for it, or be special, or deserve it, or pay extra for it, it just happened -- some may feel like it was a miracle!  But perhaps an even bigger miracle might be when I allow myself to have a first class experience in economy. 

What if one day I get up from an economy flight and say to myself, "I don't know what it was about that flight, but that was fabulous.  I loved the people and the food and the scenery.  And I am so excited to be on my way to where I am going.  And everything went so smoothly, I just can't ever remember enjoying a flight that much -- I feel like I was flying in first class!"  And that would be because you were.

So perhaps an even more accurate statement would be, I can buy my way into a physical reality first class seat, but I can LOP my way into a first class experience anywhere.

Dedicated to Jerry Hicks, who is flying first class.  Thanks for everything and I'm looking forward to all that is to come.

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