Thursday, 15 December 2011

Greatness Just Is

The Backside of Mt. Robson
British Columbia, Canada

The Perfect Balance

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 15th
The hundreds of hours I have spent with people in programs has made a believer out of me.  On some days, as I have had the honor to sit and watch participants come alive as they shared their uniqueness, and interests, and abilities, I have held back tears of appreciation, for who they really are, and in the realization that a Perfect balance exists.  Within the variety of all of our desires and abilities, and the willingness to allow ourselves to be who we really are, I believe there exists an amazing experience of our world functioning as a well oiled machine.

When we explore who we really are, we become aware of, and more involved in, the things we love.  We realize we enjoy things that others do not.  We may find we have a natural interest in certain topics, while others seem enthralled in things with which we could not care less.  We may find that what some people love, or what they are good at, is really obvious, while most others have to dig a little deeper to uncover their geniusness.  For some of us our area of expertise has not even been invented yet, because that is what we are here to do.  Some of us do what others are doing, but are doing it differently abled with perhaps one arm instead of two, or a difference in what we call I.Q.  We may be better at something just because our minds naturally learn, and function in a unique way.  The balance we bring may because we look different, or act different, or see things differently.  No ones' ability lesser than another, no ones' contributions smaller than the next.

I believe a natural balance in our homes, our communities, our countries, our world is possible when we all are being who we really are.  As we listen to and follow our inspirations, and have faith in ourselves, and each other, and we take one little step at a time, I believe we are contributing to a balance that is oh so fine.  And then one day, we can look back and say,"Oh funny I was, trying to be you."

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I'm Your Girl

There is the saying that, "We teach what we most want to learn," and I know I go on endlessly about LOP because it is what I most want to practice.  Some people love to play hockey, some like to sew, some like to perfect their ability to dance, I just love to 'know'.  And I realize that 99.9% of people are not as interested in the excavating and poking around into who we really are, as what I am, but when and if you're ever interested -- I'm Your Girl!

No On-Off Button

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 14th
LOP is not an on-off button that we can flick back on, like a circuit breaker, when we catch ourselves a bit off the track.  With that said, there are situations in my life that I have visited over and over again, that when I find myself there again, I am able to remember who I really am fairly easily.  It may be so easy that it may seem like an on-off switch, that I can flick on and I am back on track.  But the reason those feel as easy as an on-off switch is because I have already been practicing LOP in those situations and I have become pretty good at remembering who I really am.

However, as I go through life, I am going to find myself in new situations and circumstances, where I may not be as clear about how to express who I really am (WIRA).  Or, I may find myself in a situation where I have some well ingrained habitual ways of being (like around family or coworkers), but I know I am not being WIRA because of the way I feel. These situations are fantastic opportunities to discover more of WIRA.

When I can feel I am a bit off WIRA, but I'm not too sure what would be a truer expression of Me, I may have a little excavating, a little poking around to do.  I am not talking about heavy analysis, or beating myself up for getting off track, or dwelling on the downward spiral of what happened.  I am talking about using this situation to my benefit to feel around for the thoughts, words, and actions that feel a little better, that are a truer expression of Me. 

We know when we are realizing our truth of a situation.  When we hit on it, it goes, "Bing!  That's it."  We can feel our energy flow again, and we are excited about the door that has just been opened, and resistance we might have had regarding the situation begins to feel more like peace.  And then the next time we are in that situation we can take our new found "Bing!" and give it a whirl.

And as I go through all of this, to know it is not about getting it perfect, getting it done, or figuring it all out.  This is about LOP, a gradual unfolding, as best I can in each moment, because this adventure called Life is ohhhhh so good!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

We Are All Right

As I sat in grade one with my assignment to color the clown's balloon blue, I asked myself, "Is the color blue that I see the same as the color blue you see?"  Actually my eyes are not seeing the color blue, my brain is interpreting the light waves, sent from my eyes, into what I have learned to call blue.  Knowing this concept perhaps opens the door for the possibility of no one needing to be wrong for me to be right; for us all to be right.

How many wars, family fights, differing government parties, lawsuits, contracts have there been because we have felt there can only be one truth, or one way to interpret something.  If you do not agree with me, does it mean one of us must be wrong, or does it mean there is more than one perspective?

I was recently informed that the tally of people on planet earth has reached seven billion.  Because each one of us comes with our own interpretation system, our brains, and it is the brain that interprets the data from our senses, we can surmise that there are most likely seven billion truths about everything.  Seven billion truths about the color blue.  Seven billion truths about what tastes good.  Seven billion truths about how to live.  Seven billion truths about what is true.  Granted, some of the seven billion interpretations will seem to be almost identical because of cultural, educational, and familial experiences, but my honest interpretation and expression of something will always contain my fingerprint.

Our differences are not our wrongness they are our uniqueness.  They are our contribution to the rest of us.  They are us remembering, believing in, and expressing our truth out into the world.  And no one else's truth needs to be wrong for mine to be right.

When I surrender the belief that we need to be the same, I can allow who I really am to be right -- I can hear everyone and their truths because, we are all right.

Not Too Soon or Too Late

I love 'ah has', those moments of clarity that pop up when I get something, or see something, for the first time, or in a new way.  Sometimes after an 'ah ha' I can wonder, "How did I not see that before?"  Or, sometimes when someone is sharing with us something that was an 'ah ha' for them, we may think it is quite ordinary, or a bit boring, because we have already had that one before.

I have had the 'ah ha' that we all have our 'ah has' in the perfect moment.  Not a moment too soon, and not a moment too late; that's how they are 'ah has'.  In the midst of all that I have experienced, and all that I have asked, at the moment that I am most ready to hear and see it in this revealing new way, I open.  And that which was waiting for me, shines clear and bright -- not a moment sooner than what I was ready, and it not being 'deprived' from me a second beyond my readiness -- not a moment too soon, not a moment too late.

Who's Driving Your Bus?

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 13th
I catch myself sometimes allowing other things in my life to be in the driver's seat.  Like when I check the clock to see if I want to eat, or planning my week around the weather channel.  The clock and the weather channel can be tools to assist me in LOP, but sometimes I think we just hand the steering wheel over and let something else drive our life.  So I have to ask myself, who is serving whom?

Technology has introduced so many ways to connect with people, places and things, right here in my lap, right this minute, that it can be easy to be swept up in it.  When the phone rings most of us stop what we are doing and allow that to become the priority.  Our email and smart phones deliver messages to us all day long, easily making what someone else is wanting, or saying, or doing, more important than what I am wanting, saying, or doing.  These tools of technology are incredibly fun, fascinating, and convenient.  All I am asking is, who is serving whom?

I love taking photos, and when we go on holidays or are attending occasions I love playing with my camera, seeing what I can create and capture.  However, when I am thinking about focusing and apertures and zooming and composing, I can miss the moment of what the photo was about in the first place.  There is a balance I need to create so that I remember who is serving whom.

Our homes serve us with shelter and comfort and are a place to keep all our stuff, however, they can become a source of constant fixing, improving, upgrading, and updating.  Sometimes I can allow the details of home owning to become more important than my own priorities -- then who is serving whom?

Money, the tool created so we are not carrying chickens around for trade, has increased our ease, and created whole industries in our lives, however, sometimes I catch myself serving money versus it serving me.  When I pull back my dream or vision of what I want, because I don't know how I would get the money, I am letting money drive the bus.  When I have judgements and opinions about myself because I have less money than what I think I should have, I am letting money drive the bus.  When I hold back and be or give less than what I want because of my fear of lack of money, the money is driving the bus.  Money is a great invention, we all want it, most of us require it to exist where we live -- and it is suppose to be serving me.

Our friends and family are important to us, many of us are willing to help others whenever we can.  However, some of us, sometimes, get caught up in the pleasing of others before taking care of ourselves.  Others' priorities and desires can become more important than our own.  And, often this is a tough one to hear, and catch, because we have been taught that is best to put the needs of others before our own.  However, the old airplane example of putting your own oxygen mask on first, before helping someone else, reminds us of who we are to be serving first.

Not for a moment do I want to rid ourselves of, or limit the use of any of the creations that seem to be appearing daily in our world.  I just want to remember who is in charge of driving my bus, and who is to be serving whom.

Monday, 12 December 2011

To Do or Not To Do Lists

I come from a strong heritage of making 'to do lists' to help create order and peace in my life.  'To do lists' are great because I can easily see what I want to get done.  And, 'to do lists' can be not so great because I can easily see what I want to get done."

Did you have to go back and read that a second time?  Yes it is the same sentence.  So how can the same thing be both not great and great?

Well, one is done from obligation, and one from excited anticipation.
One is filled with others' priorities, and one is full of mine.
One has the feeling of 'I should', the other a feeling of 'I get to.'
One is not in alignment with who I really am (WIRA), the other is in alignment with WIRA.
One is used to rush, the other is used to relax.
One is pushing things into being, the other is allowing them to unfold.
One will get things done, the other will make things a success.
With one, people don't really want to join in, the other they are signing up fast.
One is experienced as stressful, the other is experienced as easy.
And, of course, one isn't LOP, and the other one is.