Thursday 15 December 2011

The Perfect Balance

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 15th
The hundreds of hours I have spent with people in programs has made a believer out of me.  On some days, as I have had the honor to sit and watch participants come alive as they shared their uniqueness, and interests, and abilities, I have held back tears of appreciation, for who they really are, and in the realization that a Perfect balance exists.  Within the variety of all of our desires and abilities, and the willingness to allow ourselves to be who we really are, I believe there exists an amazing experience of our world functioning as a well oiled machine.

When we explore who we really are, we become aware of, and more involved in, the things we love.  We realize we enjoy things that others do not.  We may find we have a natural interest in certain topics, while others seem enthralled in things with which we could not care less.  We may find that what some people love, or what they are good at, is really obvious, while most others have to dig a little deeper to uncover their geniusness.  For some of us our area of expertise has not even been invented yet, because that is what we are here to do.  Some of us do what others are doing, but are doing it differently abled with perhaps one arm instead of two, or a difference in what we call I.Q.  We may be better at something just because our minds naturally learn, and function in a unique way.  The balance we bring may because we look different, or act different, or see things differently.  No ones' ability lesser than another, no ones' contributions smaller than the next.

I believe a natural balance in our homes, our communities, our countries, our world is possible when we all are being who we really are.  As we listen to and follow our inspirations, and have faith in ourselves, and each other, and we take one little step at a time, I believe we are contributing to a balance that is oh so fine.  And then one day, we can look back and say,"Oh funny I was, trying to be you."

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