Monday 12 December 2011

To Do or Not To Do Lists

I come from a strong heritage of making 'to do lists' to help create order and peace in my life.  'To do lists' are great because I can easily see what I want to get done.  And, 'to do lists' can be not so great because I can easily see what I want to get done."

Did you have to go back and read that a second time?  Yes it is the same sentence.  So how can the same thing be both not great and great?

Well, one is done from obligation, and one from excited anticipation.
One is filled with others' priorities, and one is full of mine.
One has the feeling of 'I should', the other a feeling of 'I get to.'
One is not in alignment with who I really am (WIRA), the other is in alignment with WIRA.
One is used to rush, the other is used to relax.
One is pushing things into being, the other is allowing them to unfold.
One will get things done, the other will make things a success.
With one, people don't really want to join in, the other they are signing up fast.
One is experienced as stressful, the other is experienced as easy.
And, of course, one isn't LOP, and the other one is.

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