Friday 9 December 2011

Love Yourself and Your Neighbour

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 9th
Leviticus Chapter 19 Verse 18 says, ". . . love thy neighbour as thyself. . ."  Lou Tice speculates, "Maybe that's our problem!"  Maybe we don't like ourselves very much.

Maybe I judge and criticize people, because I judge and criticize myself.
Maybe I don't give others a break, because I don't allow myself a break.
Maybe I easily find faults in others, because I so easily see the faults in myself.
Perhaps I expect so much from others, because I have very high expectations for myself.
Maybe I become irritated and frustrated with others, because I am frustrated with myself.
Could it be that I want others to be different, because I wish I were different myself?
Maybe I fear others, because I am so sad myself.
Perhaps I blame others, because actually, I blame myself.
Perhaps I am impatient with others, because I can be so *#!%^*# impatient with myself.
Maybe I have been hard on others, when I am being most hard on myself.
Perhaps I don't like others because I really don't like myself.

Maybe if I chose to give one person the benefit of the doubt today, I could do the same for myself.
Maybe if I found something to appreciate about another, I could find one to appreciate about myself.
It's possible, if I laughed with someone else today, I could laugh a bit more at myself.
Maybe if I gave out smiles today, I'd find more coming back to myself.
If I am use to giving others a mile, maybe I could at least give an inch to myself.

If I were willing to put down the stick that I picked up so many years ago, maybe I'd see I'm not so bad after all.
Maybe if I took a minute to appreciate my life, I'd find other things to appreciate as well.
If my 'mistakes' could be opportunities, perhaps others' mistakes are for them too.
Maybe if I acknowledged all that I have done, I could see the potential in others too.
Perhaps if I gave myself some room to explore, I'd give leeway to others as well.
Maybe if I forgave myself, I'd be willing to say, "I am now letting you go, too."
If I'd let go of those untruths, perhaps the truth of what has always been there, would shine brightly through.
Maybe if I trust myself, I'll have more faith in you.
If I found more peace in this moment, maybe I'd see you with eyes of peace too.
If I knew who I really was, I'd then probably know the real you.

Maybe if I loved me, just a wee bit more, maybe you'd feel the benefits too.

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