Thursday 8 December 2011

It's Up To Me

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 8th
Unlike paying our bills, cleaning our homes, teaching our children, building our roads, providing our food -- no one can LOP for me.  That can be a scary thought.  I might wish I could hand the responsibility of my happiness and purposeful life over to someone who I think might be more qualified or experienced.  But really there is not a more powerful feeling than to know I am in control of, and the creator of, my experience.

To feel the unshakable peace with the knowing that my 'secuirty' comes from my belief in Me(God/the well-being/the laws of the Universe/etc.).
To realize the choice of freedom that is available in every moment.
To embrace that my now is packed full with everything that I need.
To honor the vision of what I love, and the inspirations that are expressions of Me.
To love unconditionally because I need nothing in return.
Oh the power of Me.

So step up and jump on.  It is just one deliberate moment after another.
You can do it.  You were born to do it.  You are going to love it -- I promise.

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