Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's Enough

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 6th
A couple weeks ago, as I sat reading something that I found very stimulating, I acknowledged to myself how much I really enjoyed just sitting there and reading and thinking.  As I allowed myself to bask in a deeper than usual appreciation for just sitting and reading and thinking, the words tumbled through my mind, " it's enough."  It's like, before that, a part of me had not valued it, was limiting my time for it, felt it was a squandering of time.  A wave of relief and joy followed with the profoundness of the ease and simplicity of the idea, 'this is what I love to do, and it's enough.'

And when I say enough, I am not meaning it is mediocre.  I am saying I don't need to push, strive, control, worry about, or connive it into anything more than what it is.  It is complete, divine, Perfection as it is.

We may have beliefs like:  this is a waste of time; you can't just spend your life doing what you enjoy; it's lazy to only do what you love; you have to earn that kind of enjoyment; you can't pay the bills just enjoying yourself; no pain no gain; I don't deserve that kind of freedom and pleasure; I have to justify this somehow.  These thoughts are all saying the same thing -- who I am and what I love are not enough.  They do not support me in remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am.

If I am wanting to support myself in LOP, being WIRA, then I want to support that which I naturally gravitate towards.  So instead of saying the above comments to myself, I can reassure myself by reminding me that . . .
Looking out my window at the birds is enough.
Sharing this with you is enough.
Spending a moment connecting with someone is enough.
Watching a good movie is enough.
Making that inspired phone call is enough.
Saying yes is enough.
Pursuing that hobby is enough.
Going back to school is enough.
Reading this book is enough.
Starting my own business is enough.
Painting this picture is enough.
Loving this person is enough.
I am enough.
 . . . because if I know it is enough, it will be more than enough.

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