Thursday, 19 July 2012

Success Begets LOP

I have recently witnessed how the importance of LOP comes into play as one creates 'success' in their life.  The higher the position, the more money, the more recognition or visibility, the more good fortune, the more responsibility, the more one leads or makes decisions, the more the 'requirement' for LOP seems to be.  I sometimes think people may want 'success' because they then believe they can just sit back and do nothing, but I am realizing that practicing LOP begets 'success' and 'success' begets the desire to LOP even more.

This is not to say that I cannot LOP with a simpler, quieter, smaller life.  But by definition, as I LOP, I tend to create more, mix it up more, have more momentum in my life.  I tend to say more inspired things that others identify with, I tend to build more devices, paint more pictures, start more businesses, sing more songs.  I tend to become known for something, become sure about something, decide to go off on new tangents.  I tend to step out of the box of mediocrity, shine light where there was darkness, live bigger, laugh louder, and love more unconditionally, and those ways of being are often noticed by others, and they may share their opinion on it.

This is not a bad thing or a wrong thing.  It is a momentum thing, a clarifying thing, an energy exchange thing, a possibilities thing, a more thing, an evolution thing.  It's a LOP thing.  As others may share their opinion about my expression of who I really am (WIRA), I get to practice, expand, better know, embrace, flush out, and clarify WIRA.  My work is to continue to hear my own voice, to know what I know, to share who I really am, to hold the vision, to allow others who are in alignment with it to add to it, to step back and let it have its way with me, to appreciate the diversity of our world, and have faith when I am inspired to become bigger.

LOP leads to my success (whatever that might be), and my success shows me all the ways I can LOP even more.

50 Cent

Posted to Facebook July 24th.
In an Oprah interview the rapper 50 Cent said, "Either pray or worry, don't do both."

Either love or fear;
Either laugh or fret;
Either play or suffer;
Either create or regurgitate;
Either relax or be tense;
Either know or doubt;
Either be amazed or be critical;
Either be confident or be unsure;
Either allow or control;
Either appreciate or resist;
Either be calm or rush;
Either trust or yearn;
Either be clear or confused;
Either be focused or unsure;
Either be ready or hesitant;
Either be real or fake;
Either dance or mope;
Either sing or yell;
Either bless or curse, you can't do both.

To Live Long or Deep

Our Western Society beliefs put an emphasis on living a long life.  We see these beliefs when we compare phrases like, "his life was cut short" when a young person dies, to "well, he was fortunate to have had a long life" when an old person dies.  We are sold things that will extend our life, and we have numerous professions and institutions that are dedicated to helping us live a long life.  These beliefs are so powerful that when someone who hasn't lived a long life dies, there are often feelings of confusion, injustice, revenge, or anger for those 'left' behind.

Living a long life is not contrary to LOP, I would just say it is secondary.  My primary belief about life as I am LOP is about the depth with which I live it.  How much of who I really am (WIRA) am I allowing in this moment?  How present am I in this moment?  How much of the upward spiral essences am I filled with in this moment?  How well am I remembering WIRA?  Am I believing in WIRA?  Am I expressing WIRA?  Do I feel the joy and adventure and fun and anticipation and curiosity and appreciation of life?  Do I have a sense of peace about most things?  When I am on the downward spiral do I see the advantage of it and embrace it?  Do I have moments when I am stopped in my tracks because of how green the trees are, how blue the sky is, how funny a bear cub is, how talented a singer is, how perfect that particular moment is?  When I LOP, and have depth to my life, each moment is worth a day, each day is worth a year, each year is a lifetime of living.

If the depth of our life was of primary importance we would have numerous professions, industries, and commercials dedicated to helping us deepen our lives.  If depth of life was of primary importance then, whether a person had died young or old, we would say things like; "boy he sure knew how to laugh;" "I never felt more understood than when I was talking with her;" "he loved life to its fullest;" "she was always so much fun;" "he just seemed so accepting of everyone around him;" "she was always so patient, never in a rush;" "he loved the simplest things;" "she saw the good in everyone;" or "he just seemed to be having a really good time everyday". 

Perhaps if we lived our lives with depth, those of us 'left' behind would be better able to recognize that the life lived fast and high, has just as much value as the one lived long and safe.  And finally, perhaps a life of depth will more often lead to an enjoyable 'long' life.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Ripple Effect

Posted to Facebook July 19th.
I know many of my posts sound like they are all about us feeling better about ourselves -- and that's because they are.  LOP is about living on the upward spiral because I believe in the ripple effect.  I believe if we are experiencing an upward spiral essence (appreciation, ease, joy, adventure, trust) that ripples out from us into the world we touch and changes things beyond what our imaginations can conceive.  We take care of things by remembering who we really are (WWRA), which is a simpler method than trying to take care of all things.

Here's an example.  I recently saw an advertisement pleading people to please donate to an animal society to stop the abuse of animals.  Imagine how low on the downward spiral of life one must be to hurt anyone or anything.  People who are LOP are not cruel to animals.

The upward spiral ripple happens when we go through our day, 'bumping' into others, while remembering WWRA .  The ripple of LOP emanates out to those we interact with, they more easily remember who they really are, and then they go home and share that part of themselves with their pet.  We stop cruelty to animals when we start with the kindness we show ourselves.

However, I am not implying we LOP so that we can control what others are doing, because then we would be emanating an essence of control, which is the essence from which people do 'cruel' things to others.  So, choose to LOP because there is nothing more important than remembering, believing in, and expressing who you really are, and just know that things are being taken care of with your LOP ripple.

A Whisper In My Life

Posted to Facebook July 18th
There's a whisper in my life,
That is oh so sweet.
It does not demand itself to be known,
Nor does it know defeat.

There's a buzz in the world,
That vys for my attention.
Loud and pervasive it can seem,
The everyday convention.

There's a whisper in my life,
That knows me oh so well.
A step it never misses,
Ringing clear as a bell.

There's a buzz in the world,
All the rights and the wrongs.
A lifetime of memorization,
And I still can't sing the song.

There's a whisper in my life,
And I want it to grow.
It leads me to wonders --
I am ready to know.

There's a buzz in the world,
a cornucopia of desires.
Taste and touch; pick and choose,
Select that which inpsires.

There's a whisper in my life,
It wants what is best for me.
There's one in your life too,
Listen for a moment; allow yourself to Be.

LOP When I Am Not LOP

Posted to Facebook July 17th.
We all have them.  Those moments when we are not LOP as much as we want to be.  I can pretend or deny it is not happening, but that just usually increases my experience of not being Who I Really Am (WIRA).  The great thing about LOP is when I am not LOP I can still know what to do about it to get back to better remembering WIRA, and that in itself is LOP.  So really, I can always be LOP.

This past six months I have been involved in a great project where sometimes I was easily remembering WIRA and sometimes I was stretching to remember WIRA.  It has meant that overall I have not been on the upward spiral as much as what I am accustomed; not LOP as well as what I want, or know I can.

However, no problem, when I am not as high on the upward spiral as I am used to, that is the perfect time to be practicing LOP, practicing the habits and reactions that are WIRA.  I know what to do to increase my experience of LOP, and to have the opportunity to apply it, learn from it, and clarify it is a very exciting aspect of LOP.  LOP is not a stagnate, finite, un-evolving state, or way of being (once you've figured it out your done).  LOP is a live, expanding, creative adventure never to be completed.

LOP is not about trying to do life without bumps.  It is not about doing life perfectly.  I wouldn't give up the stretching and learning I had in this situation because it has just contributed to the higher highs I now get to explore and get to realize in the expression of WIRA. 

So, even when I am not feeling like I am LOP, that is a fantastic opportunity to practice LOP and that contributes to my experience of LOP, and all of that, by definition, is LOP.

David Copperfield's Magic

I recently saw David Copperfield interviewed by Oprah.  This is how he described what he does.

"Magic to me is making dreams real; making them feel real, making them look real, and giving people hope."

By that definition LOP is magic.