Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Ripple Effect

Posted to Facebook July 19th.
I know many of my posts sound like they are all about us feeling better about ourselves -- and that's because they are.  LOP is about living on the upward spiral because I believe in the ripple effect.  I believe if we are experiencing an upward spiral essence (appreciation, ease, joy, adventure, trust) that ripples out from us into the world we touch and changes things beyond what our imaginations can conceive.  We take care of things by remembering who we really are (WWRA), which is a simpler method than trying to take care of all things.

Here's an example.  I recently saw an advertisement pleading people to please donate to an animal society to stop the abuse of animals.  Imagine how low on the downward spiral of life one must be to hurt anyone or anything.  People who are LOP are not cruel to animals.

The upward spiral ripple happens when we go through our day, 'bumping' into others, while remembering WWRA .  The ripple of LOP emanates out to those we interact with, they more easily remember who they really are, and then they go home and share that part of themselves with their pet.  We stop cruelty to animals when we start with the kindness we show ourselves.

However, I am not implying we LOP so that we can control what others are doing, because then we would be emanating an essence of control, which is the essence from which people do 'cruel' things to others.  So, choose to LOP because there is nothing more important than remembering, believing in, and expressing who you really are, and just know that things are being taken care of with your LOP ripple.

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