Tuesday 17 July 2012

LOP When I Am Not LOP

Posted to Facebook July 17th.
We all have them.  Those moments when we are not LOP as much as we want to be.  I can pretend or deny it is not happening, but that just usually increases my experience of not being Who I Really Am (WIRA).  The great thing about LOP is when I am not LOP I can still know what to do about it to get back to better remembering WIRA, and that in itself is LOP.  So really, I can always be LOP.

This past six months I have been involved in a great project where sometimes I was easily remembering WIRA and sometimes I was stretching to remember WIRA.  It has meant that overall I have not been on the upward spiral as much as what I am accustomed; not LOP as well as what I want, or know I can.

However, no problem, when I am not as high on the upward spiral as I am used to, that is the perfect time to be practicing LOP, practicing the habits and reactions that are WIRA.  I know what to do to increase my experience of LOP, and to have the opportunity to apply it, learn from it, and clarify it is a very exciting aspect of LOP.  LOP is not a stagnate, finite, un-evolving state, or way of being (once you've figured it out your done).  LOP is a live, expanding, creative adventure never to be completed.

LOP is not about trying to do life without bumps.  It is not about doing life perfectly.  I wouldn't give up the stretching and learning I had in this situation because it has just contributed to the higher highs I now get to explore and get to realize in the expression of WIRA. 

So, even when I am not feeling like I am LOP, that is a fantastic opportunity to practice LOP and that contributes to my experience of LOP, and all of that, by definition, is LOP.

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