Friday, 15 January 2016

Miracles Not Mediocrity

Happy New Year Everyone!

For all my life I have felt mediocrity is normal (hence the title to my 1998 book "Living On Purpose:  Life Beyond Mediocrity), but not natural (who we are meant to be).

On the other hand, miracles, the experiences of:
  • being in the flow of life;
  • the unfolding of real success;
  • expressing our genius self;
  • following "the rhythm of our internal inspirations" (Abraham-Hicks);
  • "the peace that passes understanding" (Philippians 4:7);
  • having "peak experiences" (Maslow);
have felt natural, but not normal -- not what we see and hear others doing.  We end up calling them miracles because they often feel rare, but I believe they are not meant to be.

Living On Purpose (LOP) is listening to, and trusting, the 'miracles' of life so that what is natural becomes more normal.  (And I guess then we will no longer call them miracles : )