Friday 9 December 2011

Love Yourself and Your Neighbour

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 9th
Leviticus Chapter 19 Verse 18 says, ". . . love thy neighbour as thyself. . ."  Lou Tice speculates, "Maybe that's our problem!"  Maybe we don't like ourselves very much.

Maybe I judge and criticize people, because I judge and criticize myself.
Maybe I don't give others a break, because I don't allow myself a break.
Maybe I easily find faults in others, because I so easily see the faults in myself.
Perhaps I expect so much from others, because I have very high expectations for myself.
Maybe I become irritated and frustrated with others, because I am frustrated with myself.
Could it be that I want others to be different, because I wish I were different myself?
Maybe I fear others, because I am so sad myself.
Perhaps I blame others, because actually, I blame myself.
Perhaps I am impatient with others, because I can be so *#!%^*# impatient with myself.
Maybe I have been hard on others, when I am being most hard on myself.
Perhaps I don't like others because I really don't like myself.

Maybe if I chose to give one person the benefit of the doubt today, I could do the same for myself.
Maybe if I found something to appreciate about another, I could find one to appreciate about myself.
It's possible, if I laughed with someone else today, I could laugh a bit more at myself.
Maybe if I gave out smiles today, I'd find more coming back to myself.
If I am use to giving others a mile, maybe I could at least give an inch to myself.

If I were willing to put down the stick that I picked up so many years ago, maybe I'd see I'm not so bad after all.
Maybe if I took a minute to appreciate my life, I'd find other things to appreciate as well.
If my 'mistakes' could be opportunities, perhaps others' mistakes are for them too.
Maybe if I acknowledged all that I have done, I could see the potential in others too.
Perhaps if I gave myself some room to explore, I'd give leeway to others as well.
Maybe if I forgave myself, I'd be willing to say, "I am now letting you go, too."
If I'd let go of those untruths, perhaps the truth of what has always been there, would shine brightly through.
Maybe if I trust myself, I'll have more faith in you.
If I found more peace in this moment, maybe I'd see you with eyes of peace too.
If I knew who I really was, I'd then probably know the real you.

Maybe if I loved me, just a wee bit more, maybe you'd feel the benefits too.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Terrible Ideas

I recently re-watched the movie, "Under the Tuscan Sun",  a light hearted story about, if you believe, it will come.

In one scene, the main character dismisses an idea by calling it 'terrible'.  The fun response of the person listening is, "Terrible ideas -- don't you just love them!"

In just one sentence, turning my feeling of fear, regarding something I want but don't think I should allow myself to have, into something exciting, -- don't you just love it!

Play First

There is a school sign in our neighborhood that says, "Put first things first.  Work then play."  I know this is the moral/responsible/hard working belief system that many espouse, but I am going to suggest an alternative.

Play first, and then work does not feel like 'work'.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." --  Confucius

It's Up To Me

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 8th
Unlike paying our bills, cleaning our homes, teaching our children, building our roads, providing our food -- no one can LOP for me.  That can be a scary thought.  I might wish I could hand the responsibility of my happiness and purposeful life over to someone who I think might be more qualified or experienced.  But really there is not a more powerful feeling than to know I am in control of, and the creator of, my experience.

To feel the unshakable peace with the knowing that my 'secuirty' comes from my belief in Me(God/the well-being/the laws of the Universe/etc.).
To realize the choice of freedom that is available in every moment.
To embrace that my now is packed full with everything that I need.
To honor the vision of what I love, and the inspirations that are expressions of Me.
To love unconditionally because I need nothing in return.
Oh the power of Me.

So step up and jump on.  It is just one deliberate moment after another.
You can do it.  You were born to do it.  You are going to love it -- I promise.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Joy and Peace

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 7
As a child in Sunday School our teacher taught us a song that went like this:
"I've got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart.
I've got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay.
I've got the peace that passeth understanding down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart.
I've got the peace that passeth understanding down in my heart, down in my heart to stay."
What a great affirmation!

As a child I liked singing the song because it was fun, and light hearted, and up beat, and it felt good.  It is only recently that I appreciate the brillance of it.  To know that in my heart, at the basis of my existence, is joy and a peace that surpasses my understanding, is definitely LOP.

To have a 'joy down in my heart to stay,' seems to say, "Know that who you really are is joy."  I am not worry, or anger, or fear, or frustration -- I am Joy.  And the peace that passes all understanding is not peace as in the opposite of war, or the peace as in 'peace and quiet.'  The 'peace that passes understanding' feels like a calm . . . still . . . knowing . . . standing solid and unwaivering at the core of who I am.

All that, wrapped up in a punchy little tune, sung with exuberance, and little smiling faces.

Thanks Mom, for teaching me.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's Enough

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 6th
A couple weeks ago, as I sat reading something that I found very stimulating, I acknowledged to myself how much I really enjoyed just sitting there and reading and thinking.  As I allowed myself to bask in a deeper than usual appreciation for just sitting and reading and thinking, the words tumbled through my mind, " it's enough."  It's like, before that, a part of me had not valued it, was limiting my time for it, felt it was a squandering of time.  A wave of relief and joy followed with the profoundness of the ease and simplicity of the idea, 'this is what I love to do, and it's enough.'

And when I say enough, I am not meaning it is mediocre.  I am saying I don't need to push, strive, control, worry about, or connive it into anything more than what it is.  It is complete, divine, Perfection as it is.

We may have beliefs like:  this is a waste of time; you can't just spend your life doing what you enjoy; it's lazy to only do what you love; you have to earn that kind of enjoyment; you can't pay the bills just enjoying yourself; no pain no gain; I don't deserve that kind of freedom and pleasure; I have to justify this somehow.  These thoughts are all saying the same thing -- who I am and what I love are not enough.  They do not support me in remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am.

If I am wanting to support myself in LOP, being WIRA, then I want to support that which I naturally gravitate towards.  So instead of saying the above comments to myself, I can reassure myself by reminding me that . . .
Looking out my window at the birds is enough.
Sharing this with you is enough.
Spending a moment connecting with someone is enough.
Watching a good movie is enough.
Making that inspired phone call is enough.
Saying yes is enough.
Pursuing that hobby is enough.
Going back to school is enough.
Reading this book is enough.
Starting my own business is enough.
Painting this picture is enough.
Loving this person is enough.
I am enough.
 . . . because if I know it is enough, it will be more than enough.

Monday 5 December 2011

'Self-Help' This!

Is it just me or has everyone gone on a ‘self-help’ binge?  It seems that we are completely surrounded.  There are people wanting to help us when we turn on our T.V., or open up a newspaper.  I catch myself cringing when I see another “Make Your Life Better in 10 Easy Steps” headline sitting in the magazine stand.  The bookstore self-help section, I am sure, has a growth hormone that just can’t be healthy.   There are speakers coming to town to fix ‘this’ about us, and workshops that will change ‘that’.  There are stores selling items that resemble the elixirs from the traveling salesmen of the good ol’ days.  There are theories, methodologies, practices, and doctors that do stuff I have a hard time pronouncing never mind understanding what they do or how they are supposed to help me.  And yet, for some strange reason, we make ourselves stop and take notice because maybe this one will have our answers. 

To read the rest of this article click on the link to my website and scroll down to the title: 'Self-Help' This!


Oh To Know

Oh to release myself from the bonds of 'reality'.
Oh to know that the sunny day does not create my sunny mood, but that I create my sunny mood through appreciation of the sunny day.
Oh to know that to appreciate something I need not own, or possess, or repeat it incessantly.
Oh to know that I am not responsible for the well-being of one other, the species, the world, but only for my own peace.
Oh to know that as much as I want to control what is outside of me, it is not mine to control.
Oh to know that the unconditional love I seek is my own.
Oh to know that the earth will continue to spin on its course with perfection with or without me.
Oh to know that my joy is mine and mine alone to create.
Oh to know that the pleasure of food tantalizing my taste buds, beauty beheld with my eyes, sounds that sing to my ears, aromas that whisk me away, or a touch that comforts the soul, will always only equal my ability to appreciate.
Oh to know that the gifts that are given to one are available for us all.
Oh to know that the perfection lies in the cycles, the ups and downs, the beauty and the beast, the heaven and the hell, and that the cycles are Perfect.
Oh to know that what I thought was so important, is really not so much.
Oh to know that I am all powerful, and that that power lies within.
Oh to know who I really am, and be in love with it all.

LOP At Christmas

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 5
The holiday season is upon us and the festivities, and gatherings, and preparations have begun.  This time of year, for many, means there are more things on the 'To Do' list than usual.  There's the shopping, and decorating, and baking, and writing to all those with whom we keep in touch.  There are work celebrations, and church festivities, travelling to gather with friends and families, and special activities at your local everything.  All of them not meant to feel obligatory, but sometimes . . .

This is a great time for practicing LOP, to listen honestly to what I want to be participating in and and where I want to be spending my energy.  This is a season of joy and celebration, of love, peace, and appreciation.  To do any of the preparations or activities from a place of frustration, resentment, or stress is not only not LOP, isn't it defeating, and an immense contradiction of, the whole idea?

I noticed this year that some of my usual Christmas activities are not feeling as joy filled.  It can be challenging to let them go because of tradition, or others' expectations, or just because everyone else is doing it.  But, doing what you have always done, leaves you in the same place as you were last year, and the year before, and sometimes the decade and generation before.  Listening to what is inspired might mean letting go of some things this year, but it may also mean you've made room for something new.  Sometimes the joy and love and spirit of the holiday season can most easily squeak through the cracks of the unexpected, the unplanned, and the unusual.

Ahhhh, Christmas, the perfect time and opportunity to be LOP.  A time to listen honestly to who we really are, to lovingly say "no thank you" to the rest, and to consciously allow the joy of the season to fill our hearts.

With Immense Appreciation -- Merry Christmas Everybody!