Monday, 5 December 2011

'Self-Help' This!

Is it just me or has everyone gone on a ‘self-help’ binge?  It seems that we are completely surrounded.  There are people wanting to help us when we turn on our T.V., or open up a newspaper.  I catch myself cringing when I see another “Make Your Life Better in 10 Easy Steps” headline sitting in the magazine stand.  The bookstore self-help section, I am sure, has a growth hormone that just can’t be healthy.   There are speakers coming to town to fix ‘this’ about us, and workshops that will change ‘that’.  There are stores selling items that resemble the elixirs from the traveling salesmen of the good ol’ days.  There are theories, methodologies, practices, and doctors that do stuff I have a hard time pronouncing never mind understanding what they do or how they are supposed to help me.  And yet, for some strange reason, we make ourselves stop and take notice because maybe this one will have our answers. 

To read the rest of this article click on the link to my website and scroll down to the title: 'Self-Help' This!

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