Thursday, 28 March 2013

An Untethered Soul Discussion -- Chapter Six

In chapter six Michael shares with us that there are three ways I can react to every moment of my day; resist, cling, or allow it to flow through me.  The first two reactions are the habits I fall into that create a result of closing.  When I resist a moment I am trying to push away something I don't want.  When I am clinging to a moment, I am trying to hang on to something that I do want.  Both of those reactions are coming from a place of fear.  The third reaction, allowing the moment, is the habit that allows my energy to continue to flow; for me to keep up to speed with ME.  This is the reaction/habit of remaining open.

Someone says something to me that is in disagreement with what I believe or what I want to do.  I can resist them be trying to defend and, justify my point.  Or, I can allow them to have their opinion because I know that they don't need to believe what I believe in order for me to believe it.

I apply for a job that I really, really want and I am clinging to it because I believe it will be my answers to some money problems, create stability in my life, and make me look good/successful.  Or, I can allow/trust the unfolding of the job application because I know my abundance, stability and success come from my confidence in me, not an employer.

I meet someone with whom I am attracted.  I can resist them because they remind me of someone who hurt me in the past.  I can cling to them in the hopes that they are the one, and I will never be alone again.  Or, I can let go of all my preconceived ideas and allow it to be a journey of fun, clarity, and an opportunity to practice WIRA, for however long it lasts.

What resist, cling, and allow examples do you have?

LOP is learning how to choose the reaction of allowing in all my moments.