Wednesday, 8 March 2017

A - S - S - U - ME

Today I want to have some fun with an old saying.  We have probably all heard that when we assume something we make an ass out you and me (Ass - U - Me).  It became a fun little reminder to check things out before saying or doing something (to make sure we are perceiving it the same as someone else), because otherwise it could come back to haunt us. 

But that fun little definition has given the word assume a negative connotation.  This got me wondering if I could come up with a Living On Purpose (LOP) definition of assume that could take us in another direction.

When I looked up assume in the dictionary it said, "to take for granted; suppose to be a fact."  So what could I 'take for granted' or 'suppose to be a fact' that could be beneficial to me and whoever else was involved?  How could I turn something that has the potential of taking me for a ride on the downward spiral (regret, embarrassment, defensiveness, etc.) into being something that assists me in moving forward on the upward spiral? 

So, how about using the word assume to mean I am choosing to see something As Spirit (or Who I Really Am) Sees U and ME.  A - S - S - U - ME

If I use this definition then when I assume,
-- I take for granted that we are all doing the best that we know how in each moment
-- I suppose to be a fact that I don't have to make a big deal out of mistakes that you and I make
-- I take for granted that we are all different and I can choose to honor those differences instead of
   resisting them
-- I take for granted that the goal of anything is not perfection but evolution, or gaining a new
-- I suppose to be a fact that others are not responsible for my happiness
-- I suppose to be a fact that it is more advantageous to trust than to control
-- I take for granted that we do better when we are being playful than when we are serious
-- I take for granted that we have more strengths than weaknesses
-- I suppose to be a fact that when we appreciate the little things about each other today, it is
    beneficial for our tomorrow
-- I take for granted that deep breaths and relaxation are healthy for us physically, mentally,
    emotionally and financially
-- I suppose to be a fact that seeing things from a 'big picture' point of view helps us keep our life,
    and what we are wanting, in perspective
-- I take for granted that when we let go of being right we open the door to our own happiness
-- I take for granted that we are better off if we Don't Sweat The Small Stuff (Richard Carlson)
-- I suppose to be a fact it is good to laugh more
-- I suppose to be a fact that we are at our best when we are being creative
-- I take for granted that pursuing what calls us, versus resisting what we think is wrong, is freedom
-- I take for granted that being less afraid to love and more willing to allow that powerful energy to
   flow through me is how I be more of who I really am (WIRA)

When I assume (perceive As Spirit Sees U and ME) I will never be making an ass out of either of us.

Ahhh, it is safe to assume once again. : )