Friday 23 November 2012


Posted to Facebook December 20th.
My confidence does not come from being 'perfect', my confidence comes from cherishing my 'imperfections'.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

LOP Is All About the 'F' Words

LOP is Focus, Fun and being Free.

Focus is:  intrigue, curiosity, creativity, passion, timelessness, delight, energy flow, momentum, clarity, inspiration, being deliberate, confidence, and believing.

Fun is:  playfulness, laughter, being whimsical, spontaneity, oozing energy, delight, letting go, silliness, being child-like, frivolity, giggling, being open, and trusting.

Being Free is:  relaxed, here and now, purposeful, allowing, being an open vessel, weightless, full of ease, honesty, being vulnerable and without boundarys, peacefulness, appreciation, and knowing.

LOP is about having an 'F'ing good day!

Love Feels Better Than Pity

Posted to Facebook Nov. 26th
I cannot feel pity or sorry for someone without believing they are lesser than who they really are (WTRA).
Me perceiving someone as lesser than WTRA feels terrible.
When I feel terrible I tend to feel even more pity or sorry for myself and others.
When I feel increased pity or sorrow for myself and others I see even less of WWRA.
When I see less of WWRA, that feels even worse.
When I am down there feeling worse than terrible, I am more likely to drag others down with me.
When I am more likely to drag others down with me, I am no use to anyone.
When I am no use to anyone I feel sorry for myself and . . . . well you can see where this downward spiral is going.

When I appreciate and believe in someone, no matter what they are experiencing, I am believing in WTRA.
When I believe in WTRA I feel good.
When I feel good I find more things to appreciate and admire about myself and others.
When I appreciate and admire I feel even better.
When I feel even better I become a bright light that is easy to see.
When I am bright light that is easy to see others may or may not choose to follow, but it doesn't matter because I feel good, I believe in WTRA, and I am loving them anyways -- and love always feels better than pity.

The Best Gift Ever

Posted to Facebook Nov. 22
To me, there is nothing more beautiful/honest/courageous/inspiring than someone sharing who they really are (WTRA); 'finding their voice' so to speak; coming into their own.

Over the years of working with individuals and groups, getting to see who people really are has been the best gifts I have ever received.  So, I guess that's the best thing I can ever give.

LOP is giving the world who we really are.