Wednesday 21 November 2012

Love Feels Better Than Pity

Posted to Facebook Nov. 26th
I cannot feel pity or sorry for someone without believing they are lesser than who they really are (WTRA).
Me perceiving someone as lesser than WTRA feels terrible.
When I feel terrible I tend to feel even more pity or sorry for myself and others.
When I feel increased pity or sorrow for myself and others I see even less of WWRA.
When I see less of WWRA, that feels even worse.
When I am down there feeling worse than terrible, I am more likely to drag others down with me.
When I am more likely to drag others down with me, I am no use to anyone.
When I am no use to anyone I feel sorry for myself and . . . . well you can see where this downward spiral is going.

When I appreciate and believe in someone, no matter what they are experiencing, I am believing in WTRA.
When I believe in WTRA I feel good.
When I feel good I find more things to appreciate and admire about myself and others.
When I appreciate and admire I feel even better.
When I feel even better I become a bright light that is easy to see.
When I am bright light that is easy to see others may or may not choose to follow, but it doesn't matter because I feel good, I believe in WTRA, and I am loving them anyways -- and love always feels better than pity.

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