Many of us have probably been taught to believe that success is about getting the house and the car and the job and the family, and about the number of 'Likes' we get on social media. Recently fame and fortune have become biggies as well. The unspoken message behind all of this is if we get all those things we will be deemed successful through the eyes of others, and at that point we will be happy.
But doesn't that seem like we are doomed to a long road of unhappiness until we reach some future that may or may not happen way down the road? (And don't even get me started about when we compare ourselves to others and there are always those that are more successful, so we never really allow ourselves to be happy even we if we achieve the above list). As well, you may have also noticed that some people get the house and the car and the 'Likes' and are miserable and stressed out anyways? It's like their happiness was built on a house of cards. So maybe the attainment of a certain set of goals is not necessarily a very good definition? Maybe we could have a more successful definition of success?
A tripping point in the above definition is it is based in the belief that the way we feel comes from outside of ourselves (i.e. when I get these things, and the approval, then I will feel successful, and finally feel good about myself), however, in LOP that is backwards, success starts on the inside. It comes from how we feel when we know who we really are (WWRA). It comes from being in alignment with our priorities. And it comes from trusting what we are inspired to do. This LOP experience of success is achievable now, not some goal in the future with which I hold my happiness hostage.
As we LOP in each moment, with each baby step we take in our day, our lives naturally flow beyond the experience of mediocrity we often had planned for ourselves. It doesn't matter if we achieve what others have told us we should be, because we are already living what we were truly after -- a joyous, fulfilled, happy, fun, creative, expansive life.
LOP is knowing that when I am trusting Who I Really Am it doesn't matter where it leads.