Monday 5 December 2011

Oh To Know

Oh to release myself from the bonds of 'reality'.
Oh to know that the sunny day does not create my sunny mood, but that I create my sunny mood through appreciation of the sunny day.
Oh to know that to appreciate something I need not own, or possess, or repeat it incessantly.
Oh to know that I am not responsible for the well-being of one other, the species, the world, but only for my own peace.
Oh to know that as much as I want to control what is outside of me, it is not mine to control.
Oh to know that the unconditional love I seek is my own.
Oh to know that the earth will continue to spin on its course with perfection with or without me.
Oh to know that my joy is mine and mine alone to create.
Oh to know that the pleasure of food tantalizing my taste buds, beauty beheld with my eyes, sounds that sing to my ears, aromas that whisk me away, or a touch that comforts the soul, will always only equal my ability to appreciate.
Oh to know that the gifts that are given to one are available for us all.
Oh to know that the perfection lies in the cycles, the ups and downs, the beauty and the beast, the heaven and the hell, and that the cycles are Perfect.
Oh to know that what I thought was so important, is really not so much.
Oh to know that I am all powerful, and that that power lies within.
Oh to know who I really am, and be in love with it all.

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