Thursday 19 July 2012

Success Begets LOP

I have recently witnessed how the importance of LOP comes into play as one creates 'success' in their life.  The higher the position, the more money, the more recognition or visibility, the more good fortune, the more responsibility, the more one leads or makes decisions, the more the 'requirement' for LOP seems to be.  I sometimes think people may want 'success' because they then believe they can just sit back and do nothing, but I am realizing that practicing LOP begets 'success' and 'success' begets the desire to LOP even more.

This is not to say that I cannot LOP with a simpler, quieter, smaller life.  But by definition, as I LOP, I tend to create more, mix it up more, have more momentum in my life.  I tend to say more inspired things that others identify with, I tend to build more devices, paint more pictures, start more businesses, sing more songs.  I tend to become known for something, become sure about something, decide to go off on new tangents.  I tend to step out of the box of mediocrity, shine light where there was darkness, live bigger, laugh louder, and love more unconditionally, and those ways of being are often noticed by others, and they may share their opinion on it.

This is not a bad thing or a wrong thing.  It is a momentum thing, a clarifying thing, an energy exchange thing, a possibilities thing, a more thing, an evolution thing.  It's a LOP thing.  As others may share their opinion about my expression of who I really am (WIRA), I get to practice, expand, better know, embrace, flush out, and clarify WIRA.  My work is to continue to hear my own voice, to know what I know, to share who I really am, to hold the vision, to allow others who are in alignment with it to add to it, to step back and let it have its way with me, to appreciate the diversity of our world, and have faith when I am inspired to become bigger.

LOP leads to my success (whatever that might be), and my success shows me all the ways I can LOP even more.

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