Wednesday 14 December 2011

No On-Off Button

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 14th
LOP is not an on-off button that we can flick back on, like a circuit breaker, when we catch ourselves a bit off the track.  With that said, there are situations in my life that I have visited over and over again, that when I find myself there again, I am able to remember who I really am fairly easily.  It may be so easy that it may seem like an on-off switch, that I can flick on and I am back on track.  But the reason those feel as easy as an on-off switch is because I have already been practicing LOP in those situations and I have become pretty good at remembering who I really am.

However, as I go through life, I am going to find myself in new situations and circumstances, where I may not be as clear about how to express who I really am (WIRA).  Or, I may find myself in a situation where I have some well ingrained habitual ways of being (like around family or coworkers), but I know I am not being WIRA because of the way I feel. These situations are fantastic opportunities to discover more of WIRA.

When I can feel I am a bit off WIRA, but I'm not too sure what would be a truer expression of Me, I may have a little excavating, a little poking around to do.  I am not talking about heavy analysis, or beating myself up for getting off track, or dwelling on the downward spiral of what happened.  I am talking about using this situation to my benefit to feel around for the thoughts, words, and actions that feel a little better, that are a truer expression of Me. 

We know when we are realizing our truth of a situation.  When we hit on it, it goes, "Bing!  That's it."  We can feel our energy flow again, and we are excited about the door that has just been opened, and resistance we might have had regarding the situation begins to feel more like peace.  And then the next time we are in that situation we can take our new found "Bing!" and give it a whirl.

And as I go through all of this, to know it is not about getting it perfect, getting it done, or figuring it all out.  This is about LOP, a gradual unfolding, as best I can in each moment, because this adventure called Life is ohhhhh so good!

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