Tuesday 13 December 2011

Not Too Soon or Too Late

I love 'ah has', those moments of clarity that pop up when I get something, or see something, for the first time, or in a new way.  Sometimes after an 'ah ha' I can wonder, "How did I not see that before?"  Or, sometimes when someone is sharing with us something that was an 'ah ha' for them, we may think it is quite ordinary, or a bit boring, because we have already had that one before.

I have had the 'ah ha' that we all have our 'ah has' in the perfect moment.  Not a moment too soon, and not a moment too late; that's how they are 'ah has'.  In the midst of all that I have experienced, and all that I have asked, at the moment that I am most ready to hear and see it in this revealing new way, I open.  And that which was waiting for me, shines clear and bright -- not a moment sooner than what I was ready, and it not being 'deprived' from me a second beyond my readiness -- not a moment too soon, not a moment too late.

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