Tuesday 13 December 2011

We Are All Right

As I sat in grade one with my assignment to color the clown's balloon blue, I asked myself, "Is the color blue that I see the same as the color blue you see?"  Actually my eyes are not seeing the color blue, my brain is interpreting the light waves, sent from my eyes, into what I have learned to call blue.  Knowing this concept perhaps opens the door for the possibility of no one needing to be wrong for me to be right; for us all to be right.

How many wars, family fights, differing government parties, lawsuits, contracts have there been because we have felt there can only be one truth, or one way to interpret something.  If you do not agree with me, does it mean one of us must be wrong, or does it mean there is more than one perspective?

I was recently informed that the tally of people on planet earth has reached seven billion.  Because each one of us comes with our own interpretation system, our brains, and it is the brain that interprets the data from our senses, we can surmise that there are most likely seven billion truths about everything.  Seven billion truths about the color blue.  Seven billion truths about what tastes good.  Seven billion truths about how to live.  Seven billion truths about what is true.  Granted, some of the seven billion interpretations will seem to be almost identical because of cultural, educational, and familial experiences, but my honest interpretation and expression of something will always contain my fingerprint.

Our differences are not our wrongness they are our uniqueness.  They are our contribution to the rest of us.  They are us remembering, believing in, and expressing our truth out into the world.  And no one else's truth needs to be wrong for mine to be right.

When I surrender the belief that we need to be the same, I can allow who I really am to be right -- I can hear everyone and their truths because, we are all right.

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