Tuesday 22 November 2011

What If . . . ?

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 23rd
What if there was nothing left to struggle and suffer over?  What if the things I have resisted and hid from and pushed against just disappeared?  What if the heaviness that I have carried through my days was lifted?  What if those worries that hide in the back of my mind as an ongoing running subroutine, that I am not conscious of but that keep me from relaxing, what if those anchors were cut away?  What if I were completely freed to admit what it is I am wanting without the judgments of others?  What if I allowed myself the luxury to do the fun thing first instead of the chore?  What if I allowed myself to take in a deep breath of freedom, and exhale the weight of resistance?  What if I allowed myself to love without worry, play without penalties, embrace abundance without limitations?  What if the chains I carried were only my own?  What if the freedom I desired was already within, awaiting my arrival?  What if the struggle and suffering were an old habit ready to be shed, then what?  I would have remembered who I really am.

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