It is not often I talk about the physical aspects of LOP, not because its role in balancing ourselves is unimportant, but because there is already a wealth of information and support for people to access regarding exercise, nutrition, health, and the variety of modalities that work with the physical self.
My focus has always been drawn to the less talked about areas of balancing the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of me, since those were the areas that I felt I lacked assistance with as I fumbled through my experience with depression.
With that said, today I am inspired to salute the joy of stretching our physical bodies. I have a fairly lengthy stretching routine that I do when I am working out, and that may or may not be what interests others. But perhaps, even more simply, I am referring to what we see our pets do.
How often after our dog or cat has been sleeping or laying still for a period of time does s/he take a moment, as they rise, to S-T-R-E-T-C-H before they continue to move forth with what is next. Not something they were taught, or trained to do, not something they feel they 'have to' do. They just naturally take the few seconds to bask in the deliciousness of moving the physical body, to activate the muscles, to get the blood moving, and gently and gracefully move into whatever is next.
So quick. So simple. So invigorating. So balancing. So natural. So LOPish. So -- let's be like our pets.
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