Thursday 20 December 2012

Letting Myself Like What I Like

Posted to Facebook January 10th.
I love when I realize I really like something.  That's when I like something because I realllllly like it, and not because it is the latest trend, the most 'beautiful', the most expensive, or what my neighbour has.  I think sometimes it can be challenging to know what we really like because there are influencing factors around us each day trying to tell us what we should like. 

When I reallllly like something it is because
. . . it is reflecting back to me who I know I really am. 
. . . as I ponder it I see how it fulfils so many of my past desires or whims all in one fell swoop. 
. . . it fits me perfectly, or fits in my home better than I could have ever imagined, or I find it is more useful than I originally thought it would be. 
. . . the longer I own it the more I like it -- I love it.
. . . every time I look at it my heart fills with appreciation.
. . . even though it goes against the norm or being socially acceptable, when I let myself be it, or do it, I just know it is who I really am (WIRA).
. . . it leads me down roads I would not have gone by just following the crowd.
. . . I learn more and more about WIRA.
. . . I know my genius self is expressing itself.
. . . that energy flow fills me with delight and enthusiasm.

LOP is letting myself like what I like.

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