Thursday 3 January 2013

Happy 2013!

Posted to Facebook January 2nd.
I've always liked the arbitrary, man-made event of moving into a new year. 

I like the freshness, the 'turning over a new leaf', the 'new beginnings' feeling it has.
I like having a time in the year when I consciously reflect and put into perspective the past twelve months.
I like the feeling of clarity I get by revisiting my priorities.
I like taking the time to appreciate all that transpired in the past year; what I've learned, what I've enjoyed.
I like purposefully deciding what I now want.
I like the freedom of letting go of the old, and having a fresh slate.
I like the creativity of imagining the new.
I like the excitement of the unknown that is around the corner.
I like the promise of increased daylight.
I like making new plans.
I like the spaciousness that is created after Christmas decorations are again packed away.
I like the falling out of routine while on holidays and then the getting back into a routine.
I like the new year because it is a time when it is easy to reaffirm my intention to make decisions and choices in alignment with who I really am.

Happy New Year!  May you perceive every step of the way as an enjoyable, ever evolving adventure.

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