Monday 4 June 2012


Posted to FaceBook June 4
I have recently enjoyed a few viewings of the movie "Moneyball", a 2011 film based on the book by Michael Lewis.  To me it is a story about the baseball manager, Billy Bean, learning how to believe in himself.

There are many moments in it that I enjoy, however, the following quote stands out for me.  I have included the LOP interpretation in the parenthesis.

"Few scouts can go into the mind of a young man and determine whether he is really confident about what he can do (will be able to remember who he really is when he gets to the big leagues).  You can sign him based on his ability (producing desired physical manifestations), but then he's got to be successful (able to LOP moment by moment), to be confident (remember who he really is, even when the pressure is on), and once he becomes confident (is able to show himself he can remember, believe in, and express who he really is) that's when you've got something."

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