Wednesday 1 August 2012

A LOP Translation of Proverbs

I believe that at the core, at the basis, of all religions/methodologies/belief systems, there are similar desires, we just have different ways of saying the same thing.  If we take the time to think about the message behind the words we would probably be able to find our own words to express the same message.

To use The Good News Bible as an example, Proverbs Chapter 11 Verse 5 says, "Honesty makes a good man's life easier, but a wicked man will cause his own downfall."  What that means to me, or the way I would say that is, "In honesty there is freedom, in fear there is overwhelment and suffocation." 

Here are a few more examples:
GNB Proverbs 11:6 -- Righteousness rescues the honest man, but someone who can't be trusted is trapped by his own greed.
LOP -- Faith will carry us through times when we don't know what else to do; but someone in fear will see things to fear everywhere they go.

GNB Proverbs 12:15 -- Stupid people always think they are right.  Wise people listen to advice.
LOP -- Fearful people feel they need to guard what they believe.  Confident people are open to hear what others believe.

GNB Proverbs 12:27 -- If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work hard you will get a fortune.
LOP -- A life lived unsure about who you really are, will be a life without success.  A life clear about who you really are creates fortunes.

LOP is about finding the words that are on the upward spiral of life.

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