Thursday 30 August 2012

"The Untethered Soul"

I am currently reading "The Untethered Soul:  The Journey Beyond Yourself," by Michael A. Singer.  If you like the works of Byron Katie or Eckhart Tolle, Michael's work may be of interest to you. 

Michael helps us discover and focus on what Deepak Chopra calls, "the thinker behind the thoughts."  The thinker behind the thoughts is that peaceful, knowing part of us that is who we really are. 

In any moment I am either thinking beliefs that are who I really am (WIRA) or I am thinking beliefs that do not feel good, or are fearful.  When we are not remembering who we really are Michael suggests we ask ourselves, "What part of me is being disturbed by this?"  (I reworded it a bit and asked myself, "What disturbs me about __________?")  The Abraham-Hick's materials asks us, "What are we expecting?"  As I am aware of what I am believing/expecting that doesn't feel good, (things I would not consciously choose to be right about), I remember that is not WIRA and naturally reconnect with WIRA.

LOP is consciously remembering who I really am, and therefore, easily letting go of who I am not.

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