Thursday 20 September 2012

"The Help"

There are scenes in the movie "The Help" that are known for their uplifting reminder of how inspiring affirmations can be to ourselves and to each other -- "You is kind.  You is smart. You is important."

What three thoughts would uplift you today?
I am happy, I am worthy, I am free!
I am excited, I am ready, I am eager!
I am content, I am trusting, I am at peace!
I am curious, I am adventurous, I am playful!
I am lovable, I am unique, I am ME!
I am appreciative, I am believing, I am now!
I am focused, I am full, I am lettin' it rip!
I am quiet, I am watching, I am knowing!
I am loving, I am admiring, I am smiling!
I am open, I am aware, I am real!
I am tickled, I am giggling, I am joy-filled.
I am honest with me, I am honest with you, I am honestly being in this world!
I am remembering, I am believing, I am expressing who I really am!
I am laughing, I am loving, I am living!
I am 'perfect', you are 'perfect', this world is 'perfect'.
I am calm, I am at ease, I am!
I am smart, I am kind, I am important! 

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