Thursday, 21 February 2013

An Untethered Soul Discussion -- Chapter One

Posted to Facebook February 21st.
What ideas/phrases stood out for you in this chapter?

My Answer:
Page 9 " . . .(the voice inside your head is) just trying to find a comfortable place to rest."
Examples:  when I am thinking about something while I am trying to sleep -- brain buzz; when I am trying to find a solution and all I can see/feel is the problem.

Page 10 "What commotion is my mind making about life?
Examples:  my Dad being moved into a nursing home; repairs that I want to do; how am I going to LOP with all that is scheduled for this year?

Page 11 "Narration makes you feel more comfortable with the world around you.  . . . it makes you feel as though things are more in your control."
Examples: rehearsing conversations I want to have with doctors, family, repair people (often from a more defensive stance than a win/win stance).

Page 12 "This mental manipulation of the outer experience allows you to buffer reality as it comes in."
Example:  I buffer what I am experiencing outside of me by interpreting it through my defensive/protective stance, and that reassures me that I am right, which feels better than interpreting that I may be wrong.

Page13 "If you decide not to narrate . . . you will feel more open and exposed (vulnerable)."
But, I will also feel more free, more ease, and more peace.  I have realized that trying to control things just creates/attracts more things to control.  I really do not want more things to control, I was just using control to try and feel better/buffer my perceptions of what is going on in the world around me.

What are your thoughts on these ideas, or others, in Chapter One?

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