In chapter seven of The Untethered Soul we are 'Transcending the Tendency to Close'. This tendency, as Michael describes it, is what we do to protect ourselves, our self-concepts, or what some refer to as our ego. This tendency may manifest itself in the habits of withdrawing, closing down, pulling back, getting angry, putting up walls, becoming defensive, blaming, or trying to control the world around us. But, as Michael reminds us, "You will get to a point in your growth where you understand that if you protect yourself, you will never be free."
Michael outlines how we begin letting go of protecting ourselves. First, we just begin to notice ourselves protecting or defending ourselves. As I have noticed where I tend to react and close I have seen there are patterns; common themes.
Second, Michael talks about making a commitment to be free. In my experience 'making' a commitment is not something we do, it is something we become ready for as we realize it is us who is holding ourselves back. As I have witnessed the common themes of where I am protecting and guarding myself, I have had a growing knowing that I am ready to free myself from the chore of protecting these 'soft spots'. I see the amount of energy, time, and even money that I put into trying to control them. I can feel how I have come to a place where I am tired of it, and I am ready to move on. I am ready to be free.
Third, Michael shares with us that we will get to a point where we just notice ourselves making a different decision in those moments where we usually protect. We see or feel ourselves getting ready to protect/defend/close ourselves and we just choose to let it go instead. He writes that eventually what happens is, "Every place you go there's someone or something trying to disturb you, trying to get your goat. Why not let them have it? If you don't really want it, then don't protect it."
Thoughts that have helped me to let go are:
There's nothing wrong going on here.
Choose to open (focusing on my heart or solar plexus area).
I don't know all the answers around this, nor do I need to.
I know micromanaging things never really creates the results/success I am desiring.
What I do know is I don't know all the possibilities here, and I want to stay open to them all.
My work is to relax, breathe, trust, and recognize my inspirations as they appear.
There is an ease and unfolding around this situation I want to find.
I am wanting to move through this to where my true freedom lies.
What do you find helps you to let go in those moments you catch yourself ready to protect?
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