Sunday 18 October 2020

Harmony Instead of Sameness

Harmony is the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes (perspectives/ideas/lives) to produce chords and chord progressions (results) that have a pleasing effect. (Taken from the Oxford Dictionaries; parentheses are my additions.)

I believe it is harmony that we seek, however, we may be believing that it is sameness.  When we want everyone to understand, believe, and be the same as us, and they are not being that way, we want to make everyone else wrong and responsible.  If we choose harmony it becomes our individual responsibilities which can seem overwhelming and scary, however, finding the harmony is what is going to create the "pleasing effect".

I think we perhaps are lacking harmony in the world because we are not being the harmony, the beautiful notes, that is each one of us.  The good news is the lack of harmony in the world is helping us discover the harmony that is within us. We are in the midst of composing a great song.


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