Sunday, 22 January 2012

180 Degree Perception Change

Posted to FaceBook Jan 23.
I recently read a short story about the Christmas Truce that "spontaneously and mysteriously" took place on the Western Front, December 24th, 1914, between the German and British troops of WWI.  They went from killing each other to singing carols, and fraternizing, and sharing their Christmas gifts from home.

What actually happened to create that 180 degree change in perception from, "You are my enemy!" to, "You are someone I can get along with?"  Had there been a formal truce where they were instructed to quit fighting?  No.  Had they come to an agreement regarding what land belonged to whom?  No.  Had their minds been completely erased of every reason why they were trying to kill each other?  No.  What had actually changed?

"A Course In Miracles" says that a miracle is simply a change in perception.  It means we are capable of 180 degree changes in how we see something.  It doesn't mean that we are just going to pretend we are O.K. with something.  It doesn't mean that we are just going to tolerate someone.  And, it doesn't mean that I carry on with grudges, or resentment or hate.  It means I have actually changed my mind/perception about someone/thing and that I truly see it differently now.

If those men were able to change their minds enough to go from killing each other to camaraderie, imagine what else we might be able to do.

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