Sunday 22 January 2012

A LOP Excerpt -- 'My Intent'

Posted to Facebook Jan. 25th
The following, a poem I wrote not long after my hospital stay with depression, is included in "Living On Purpose: Life Beyond Mediocrity."  As I read this today, I know I would write it with different words, however, I am amazed at the clarity it contains, realizing it was written by a teenager who was having problems even getting dressed.  Listen to the essence of a young, very confused girl, getting a glimpse of who she really is.

My Intent
Love is the strongest, the leader.
It can make you say, do, or feel anything.

We have all felt it, some people better than others.
Don't ever give up, it will come and when it does there is no limit, no boundaries, no stopping it.
If used right, life will be endless.
It may dwindle for a moment but then it will come back to life better, stronger, and more encouraging than before.

There is always a place in your heart for everyone, only some people fit better than others.
Don't ever let people influence you, your love's opinion is like snowflakes, never the same as the next.
It guides you like a professional showing you all the good points along with the bad.
It prepares you and keeps you better than any human ever could.

So smile and show you feel, and people will respond without knowing what has come over them."

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