Monday 16 January 2012

Asking Permission

We have been taught, probably ever since we have been young children, to ask permission.  Realizing most things we say can have a variety of essences to them, and some essences feel much more LOPish than others, I am curious as to how I might ask for permission and LOP.

"There is this thing I want to do, and I am not sure whether I should be doing it or not.  Since you know better what is good for me, I am checking in with you -- I realize I cannot really trust myself." (Doesn't feel LOPish.)
"There is this thing I really want to do, and I don't think you are going to like it.  I am letting you know now this is what I want to do, and I am pretty much going to do it no matter what you think, but I am hoping you will reluctantly say it is O.K., so I can go and do it guilt free."  (Doesn't feel LOPish.)
"There is this thing I want to do, and out of respect for you, I am checking in to make sure you are in agreement with me."  (Feels LOPish, but it sounds a bit more like agreement creation than asking permission.)
"There is this thing I want to do, and it involves you, would you like to join in?" (Feels quite LOPish, but I would call that an invitation more than asking permission.)

Anyone have some other ideas as to when asking permission feels LOPish?

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