Monday 16 January 2012


Posted to FaceBook Jan 16th.
One word.  Quite a popular one these days.  However, it seems to have at few potential essences/meanings.

We can be in service from a feeling of obligation, "That's the way we are suppose to be."  Or, we can be in service from an ulterior motive, "If I help you, I will get more of this."  Or, we can be in service LOP.

LOP service is knowing that who I really am (WIRA) has value, and that value will contribute to the world in ways I won't be able to fathom, plan, or figure out.  And so, by me being WIRA as best I can in every moment, and adding my unique value to the mixture of the whole, I am in service in a way I will probably never be able to completely comprehend. 

I don't think Mozart wrote his music so that we would have something to listen to today?  I don't think Jesus shared what he knew so that a number of people all over the world would gather Sunday mornings?  And you might say, "Yes, but I am no Mozart or Jesus."  But then I would remind us that Jesus believed,  " . . .  anyone who has faith . . . will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these, . . ." (John 14:12) 

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